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Chicago Flag Pillows

Chicago Flag Pillows

Our friend Beth makes fun and funny pillows under the name Diffraction Fiber (you may have seen her ctrl-alt-delete pillow set on your favorite nerd blog) and we've given her state pillows as wedding presents before. So when we trying to come up with a wedding present for our friends Ben and Emily, we thinking about getting them an Illinois pillow, because they both love Chicago (they even had their Chicago-themed apartment featured in a Time Out article). Brainstorm—why not pillows of the Chicago flag? They came out great—we gave two to Ben and Emily and kept two for ourselves (I'm justifying it by telling myself that 4 pillows would be awkward on a couch). Beth says she's adding them to her repertoire, so if you love Chicago as much as we do, order a set today.


where can i find some? i really like these

Tony, you can follow that link there to Distraction Fiber and buy them directly from Beth (if she doesn't have them listed at the moment, use Etsy's "Request Custom Item" link to order a set from her). And if you're in Chicago, you can also purchase them from Sacred Art at 4619 N Lincoln.

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