"Hey Fuzzy, I'd like to see some pictures of your goddaughter, and possibly be enticed to purchase some crafts created by your friend Maria."
That's a weird thing to ask for, imaginary corespondent, but man, am I on it for you, or what?
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"Hey Fuzzy, I'd like to see some pictures of your goddaughter, and possibly be enticed to purchase some crafts created by your friend Maria."
That's a weird thing to ask for, imaginary corespondent, but man, am I on it for you, or what?
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 3, 2006 5:21 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Fishin'.
The next post in this blog is The Local News.
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I'm floored. I can't believe that's Emma. She is so gorgeous and grown up. And the post is perfect, since I'm looking for birthday presents for Alyssa. These look so cool.
Posted by: Jason Dufair | October 3, 2006 8:56 PM