To paraphrase the Geto Boys: Damn it feels good to be a geeksta. Biking is fun and all, but biking with numbers... yeah boyee.
Home to work: 7.24 miles
Max speed: 18.3 m/h
Moving Avg: 13.2 m/h
Time taken: 32:40
« You won't even miss it/Ask me to make you one the next time you're over | Main | Documentary coming soon »
To paraphrase the Geto Boys: Damn it feels good to be a geeksta. Biking is fun and all, but biking with numbers... yeah boyee.
Home to work: 7.24 miles
Max speed: 18.3 m/h
Moving Avg: 13.2 m/h
Time taken: 32:40
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 25, 2005 9:35 AM.
The previous post in this blog was You won't even miss it/Ask me to make you one the next time you're over.
The next post in this blog is Documentary coming soon.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.
not too shabby
Posted by: tom | May 25, 2005 1:58 PM