This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 12, 2005 6:06 PM.
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I am in a video game rut, and once the "vowage" is undertaken, this is high on my list with things to remedy. I must "find a new game". Right up there with "putting babies inside the wife".
I will pay you a shiny, semi-used nickel to compare it to other Tony Hawk games, which I stopped buying in 2000, but miss.
Posted by: Dan Telfer
December 14, 2005 1:37 PM
Well, here's the deal: I own several Tony Hawk Pro Skaters (1, 2, maybe 4) and I've had THUG for some time. I kept buying them even though I was *terrible* at them and never got beyond the first level on any of them.
So in my tradition of "keeping on buying them" I got THUG2:Remix for my PSP. And something in the tutorial *clicked* and I figured out how to play the game. So a couple levels into THUG2, I dug out my copy of THUG for the PS2 and started flying through it. By staying up until 2 am last night, I'm at the big "shoot your big video" penultimate level of the story mode.
So... I dunno how it compares. I may pull out my copies of THPS 1-4 (ish) and see if my new skills are backwards compatible.
But it's super fun. And, I know this is a Dan-fave, the skaters are super customizable.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
December 14, 2005 2:03 PM