Update: Don't do any of the hackery in this entry! Jim Fowler has released ForgetMeNot 4.1 to support Safari 3.0.4. Just go download it!
Because I never finish any project, I'm in love with a little plugin for Safari* called ForgetMeNot -- it remembers what windows and tabs were open when you quit Safari and reopens them when you start back up**. I've got a ton of windows open as To-Do reminders.
Well, Apple just released Safari 3 for Mac OS X 10.4*** (it comes with the 10.4.11 update) and ForgetMeNot doesn't want to load. There's a version of ForgetMeNot just for Safari 3, but it was only tested with the Safari 3 beta and SIMBL (the plugin framework that ForgetMeNot runs under) doesn't want to load it. Further, the developer of ForgetMeNot is a grad student (go U of C!) and hasn't updated his personal blog since May, so who knows when he'll get around to updating it.
(Oliver kindly points out in the comments that Safari 3 has a "Reopen all windows from last session" command in the History menu. The only downside to that command is that it's not automatic on startup. I've only used Safari 3 for about 10 minutes, but I think I need that automatic-ness. Hence, this quest...)
But there is a way you can get ForgetMeNot 4.0 working with Safari 3.0.4. HOWEVER this technique just by-passes SIMBL's sanity check — there might be big giant bugs waiting to destroy your browser. You're probably much better off waiting for Mr. Fowler to update the software.
But if, like me, you simply must use ForgetMeNot and are not willing to wait, go to /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins, right-click on ForgetMeNot.bundle and choose "Show Package Contents". Open Contents and then open Info.plist with the text or plist editor of your choice. You want to change the values for MaxBundleVersion and MinBundleVersion from 522 to 523. Save the file (you'll likely have to authenticate with admin rights to overwrite the existing file).
Again, let me emphasize that all this does is tell SIMBL that ForgetMeNot is compatible with Safari 3.0.4. It doesn't make it so, if there are bugs. There might be bugs. They might wipe your harddrive. Don't come crying to me if that happens.
I've been running this way for… oh, ten minutes now with Safari 3.0.4 on Mac OS X 10.4.11. No problems yet!
* Yes, there are similar plugins for Firefox, I just like Safari.
** Unfortunately, it does its "remembering" when you quit Safari, so it can't help you if the application crashes.
*** And Safari 3 is the browser in Leopard (10.5) but I'm not sure when I'll be upgrading. ActiveDirectory is, basically, broken.
Safari 3 can already do that -- you just go to Reopen all windows from last session in the history menu -- and it can handle crashes (crashes which can easily be caused by hacks like SIMBL)
Unfortunately it doesn't do it automatically, nor does it prompt you a la firefox. OTOH i hate firefox's annoying insistence on prompting me almost as much as it automatically updating without getting my permission..
Posted by: oliver | November 15, 2007 2:42 AM
Ah, I should have mentioned that. Yes, Safari 3 has that feature. And, as I said, I've only used Safari 3 for about 10 minutes. But I could tell in those 10 minutes that I need *automatic*. So, for now, I'm even willing to put up with the possibility of crashes to get the feature working exactly the way I want it.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
November 15, 2007 7:50 AM
Yes, Active Directory is broken, in your situation I'm sure and in general ;)
Posted by: Adam | November 15, 2007 3:52 PM
Seems you have to change 523 to at least 5524. If you look in Safari's About window it say's that the latest version is 5523.10. The number you change to has to be larger than that.
Posted by: Pelle | November 18, 2007 8:42 AM
(I assume you have a stuttery 5 key there, Pelle.)
Well, I'm telling you that I set it to 523 and it's working.
You can set MaxBundleKey as high as you want -- it will just effectively disable version checking (at your own risk of course).
MinBundleKey, as the name implies, checks for a minimum version, so it might not work if you set that too high. However, I'm away from my Mac right now, so I can't test it.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
November 18, 2007 10:33 AM
The point is moot, however, as Jim Fowler has released ForgetMeNot 4.1 to support the released version of Safari 3.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
November 18, 2007 10:35 AM