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MC Frontalot - Wallflowers

MC Frontalot - Wallflowers from Fuzzy Gerdes on Vimeo.

Noah came over this afternoon and we all made a video for MC Frontalot's song "Wallflowers" (off his new album Final Boss) for a music video contest he's holding. Thanks so much to Noah, Erica, and Parker for helping me turn a dumb idea into a dumb video in just a few hours.


The song is catchy!


we don't get the video concept?


Theories include:
1.) You ARE doing the Margaret Thatcher?

2.) You CANT do the Margaret Thatcher?

3.) Parker!!! (Oscar says hello)


The Martins

I think it's pretty obvious that it's #3.

Then it's a sure fire winner, for sure.

Good luck!

-The Martins

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