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Impress These Apes - Season 2 opens

My Impress These Apes audition

The second season of Impress These Apes -- the eight-week (non-elimination) comedy competition judged by three apes from the future -- opens tonight at 8 pm at the iO Theatre. I've had four weeks to write an original song to introduce myself to the audience and judges and tonight I'll be performing it whilst accompanying myself on a musical instrument. A musical instrument that I learned to play a week and a half ago, I might add (not to scare you off). After tonight I'll be getting a challenge at the end of each show that I'll have to perform the next week. This happy look? It's from realizing that I've signed up for eight weeks of deadlines. This actually happy look? It's because my song is pretty funny and I think you'll like it. So come to the show (or wait for the inevitable video) (but really, come to the show).


Great job tonight! Woohooooooooo! Team Gerdes!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2007 5:00 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Apes - Week 1 - Video.

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