Shaun and Lillie Frances and I had a meeting late last night at Konak to see if we could pull together [A Show]. [A Venue] had contacted me because they had an upcoming gap in their schedule and they wanted to see if we'd bring the Neutrino Project to their space. In a few weeks. We definitely don't want to do Neutrino on short notice -- it's a complicated enough show as it is.
But it made Shaun think of an idea he's wanted to try since our last Neutrino Project run. When he explained his idea to me, I said, "that's funny -- that sounds a lot like [A Proposal] Lillie and I made to [A Different Venue] sometime ago. Maybe we should call Lillie and see if we can combine our ideas."
So, we had a great meeting and really hashed out a bunch of things. Most especially being our agreement that we'd be putting up [The Show] as a work-shoppy sort of thing, to just see what worked. I've been reflecting on that philosophy lately, especially after seeing Ze Frank's recent The Show about bad ideas and "brain crack".
And... this morning I got back in touch with [The Venue] and I may have completely misunderstood their schedule. So... we might not be doing anything. So between that and TheThingOutWestThatIsn'tConfirmedYet and writing Thank You notes for the wedding (and playing the Japanese import of LocoRoco on the train) is pretty much what I'm up to right now. Oh, and doing a photoshoot for some burlesque ladies. And doing a show out at the CCC Theater and one with the Belmont Burlesque the same night. I think I started this paragraph to try and say I wasn't doing that much, but I guess I am a little busy.