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Eagle Eye

I've been watching the first season of Burn Notice on Hulu and the service suffers from too-few sponsors -- if you watch more than a few episodes of anything you get to see the same commercials a lot. Which, I suppose, worked on me, because after seeing the Eagle Eye commercial a couple dozen times, I wanted to see the darn movie, just to find out what was the secret conspiracy leading Shia LaBeouf around by the nose.

What happens was pretty boring. I mean, sure there's plenty of shooting and explosions and shouting, but (um, spoilers) super-powerful computer built to spy on everyone becomes intelligent and thinks it knows best? Yawn.

FuzzyCo grade: C


I, independently of knowing this, just finished watching the entire first season of Burn Notice on Hulu. And then got mad when there was no season 2. But got to see Todd Stashwick in the last episode, which was fun.

Well, there is Season 2 if you (cough) bittorrent. And *then* you get caught up to the cliffhanger that is episode 9 and now there aren't any new episodes until "winter". Agggh!

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