There's a point near the end of this movie (spoiler alert, I suppose, but really you'd have to be a serious dullard not to see it coming) where the two main characters are sitting separately in dark rooms, sure that their relationship is over. "Fade to black, credits," I whispered in Erica's ear. That might have been an OK movie. But no, waa-waa, family is the most important thing, let's have a baby. Boo.
And I guess I know real-life couples like this, but I kept worrying that Vince Vaughan was going to crush Reese Witherspoon. He's just soooo much bigger than her.
FuzzyCo grade: C-
I was terribly distracted by Reese's changing hairstyle (mainly near the end). Probably a sure sign that they tacked on or changed the original ending. She clearly is wearing a wig in certain shots.
I suspect the pregnancy test result (what an absurd scene that was) was different in a previous edit/draft.
C minus indeed!
Posted by: Dan Izzo
January 1, 2010 11:54 PM