Look at me getting caught up on PopCulture2007! And Knocked Up is exactly what I was talking about in my Walk Hard review with respect to character-based comedy vs. jokes (and it makes an excellent contrast since there's such an overlap of actors and writer). There are plenty of jokes in Knocked Up, but never at the expense of us really learning about the characters. And I was also surprised to discover how brutally honest the film is about the dynamics of marriage and parenthood.
FuzzyCo grade: A
As an expectant parent, I found Knocked Up to be much more about pot and not wanting responsbility when there's pot than about marriage and parenthood. Whenever parenthood came up, it felt like it was just "fight followed by a reminder that the mother and her family are so loaded that everything will be okay."
Not to take away from your enjoyment! But I think the movie was marketed as a movie about parenting when it should have been marketed to stoners taking responsibility, something most people find amusing but I find tiresome.
Posted by: Dan Telfer
December 28, 2007 3:07 PM