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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books were, it almost goes without saying, a profound influence on my early comedy-and-science fiction loving years. And the 1982 TV series was awesome, at least to my 12-year-old self. So I went into the 2005 movie with low expectations -- because how could it ever be as wonderful as my memories -- but the movie fell short of even that. Everyone's timing just seems off, and the acting is overall just... blah. Very disappointing.

FuzzyCo grade: C


I barely remember the books. I was kind of too young to get them when I read them, and by the time I watched the series it was disturbingly dated.

I thought the 2005 version was decent! I have yet to meet anyone who really agrees with me though. There are certainly sections of it that were dumb. The opening dolphin song was retarded.

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