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Zack and Miri Make A Porno

Zack and Miri Make A Porno was a somewhat frustrating movie for me. It got a lot of points (and laughs) for its hardcore take on the old b-movie "how are we going to save the old Drive-In? I know, we'll have a bikini carwash!" plot. And there's plenty of Kevin Smith-y rambly, funny dialogue. But at its heart, it's a pretty bog-standard, cliched romantic comedy. The "3 months later" late in the film really galled me—I think that one moment would have gone a lot better for me if it was "a week later" or something.

Oh, and because I know you were curious, too, yes, those are Jason Mewes' real tattoos.

FuzzyCo grade: B+


Sadly, those were not Jason Mewes' real teeth. :|

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