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More Livingston


How could I have neglected to mention that Christopher and Katie got to see Andrew and the whole band a month before we did?

The October 15, Park West show that we saw is now available from the Internet Archive's Live Music Archive.

While we visiting with Andrew, Erica kept bugging him to play "the Cow song" for me. Eventually, Andrew asked Mike if he could borrow a guitar and played and sang "Keeping Watch Over Some Cow" for us. It's a classical guitar piece from 16th-century Spain, Guardame Las Vacas, with Andrew's original lyrics. (And it sticks in your freaking head -- I've been singing it for days.) Mike made him play it a couple more times, and now Andrew is playing it in the show.


this may seem weird. but i just discovered the google has a "blog search." So I decided to search for "classical guitar" because i had nothing better to do. And the guard the cows song...hahahaha. this is great. It's actually a piece written for the vihuela, a predecessor to the spanish guitar that for some reason never survived the inquisition. And it really does mean "guard my cows." but it is pretty catchy. What an ironic find. I hope you have a nice life. You should blog search sometime.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 21, 2005 12:32 PM.

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