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Don Hall reviews Neutrino Project

Chicago theater blogger* Don Hall has reviewed Neutrino Project and says, among many other words:

[T]he gimmick of the thing being filmed as you are watching it is, quite frankly, too unique to dismiss. It's exciting and fun and no one does this type of thing better than FuzzyCo. The immediacy of seeing the actors in a fallafel shop, plotting to rob it, that you just walked past to get to the theater is jolting and funny. The idea that the other customers in the restaurant are just regular people out on a Wednesday night watching these scenarios unfold is kind of crazy. [...]

On top of the gimmick, floating above it like a hyperactive cloud, is the ebullient cast and crew. These cats are obviously having a lot of fun and, man, that fact alone makes the evening more juicy.

The Neutrino Project is a genuine example of melding live performance with technology and the experience is completely unique and worth your time and (a very reasonable) $10.00.

* And, full disclosure, long-time FuzzyCo collaborator and friend. But, if you know Don at all, you know he's honest to a fault and doesn't pull punches even for friends.

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