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Neutrino Project - Opening Night

Here's the entire show of our opening night of this new run of Neutrino Project: the Instant Movie. We had a small but enthusiastic audience in the theater and I'd like to encourage you to come out and see the show. "But Fuzzy, if you're just going to post them on your site, why would I go to the theater to see the show?" Because, and you'll have to trust me on this, there's something just magical about seeing the movie be assembled in front of you with those people on the screen who you just saw on stage in the theater. Also, the theater has beer.



It was neat to see so many familiar faces and new faces, too!

When I was in town, I caught Metaluna so I have to note that Lisa Fairman was amazing in it and that Jen Ellison did an awesome job. It was one of my favorite shows in my travels throughout August.

Hope all is well!


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2008 3:47 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Best Bet.

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