Saturday night was the season opener of The Sickest F***in' Stories I Ever Heard, the show's third season as part of WNEP's Around Midnite Series. I'm the executive producer of the whole series (which mainly means I check-in with the producer of each show and see if they need anything, which they rarely do) and I had to fight to keep Sickest in the line-up this season, so it was good that the opening night went well, both in terms of attendance and content. (Not a big fight -- just a logical and reasoned argument or two.)
The concept of the show is simple: 5 people play real poker on stage (with real money) and tell real stories from their life. Mostly, gross or obscene stories. It's such a simple and delightful concept (created by Shaun Himmerick and Don Hall) that versions of the show have been produced in New York, Toronto, Seattle, Boston, and Memphis.
("Sickest" trivia: the official name of the show is written "F***in'". I like asterixes.)
Here are some other cards games I like, that are very unlike poker: