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Homer Lynx

Opening night of Fratricide went well. Homer packed the place with friendly faces, so we'll see how the show is received by a more strangerly audience next week. And I guess there were press in attendance, so we'll see if reviews come out.

I don't think it's traditional for a director to give the producer a gift on opening night, but Homer was so stressed through the process of writing, producing, and acting in this show, that I wanted to give him something. Video games play a recurring role in the show and Homer mentioned that his favorite video game system was the old Atari Lynx (an early handheld gaming system). So I tracked one down on Ebay (actually, the tracking down wasn't the hard part, it was winning an auction. I lost 6 or 7 auctions for Lynxes before I won the one I gave him).



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 15, 2003 1:20 AM.

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