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Phoning it in

Due to some this and that at work, I now have a Treo 680 for a few days instead of my (lately becoming not-quite-so) trusty Treo 650. A small, but important, difference in Blazer (the Treo web browser) on the 680 is that you can turn off style sheets. Ostensibly for speed, it means I can finally get to my blogging interface from the phone. Of which process this post is the test, so I won't get too wordy, in case it doesn't actually work.


It works!

Choo choo, this is the affirmation train.

Forgoing your trusty Treo 650 and using a Treo 680 with style sheets turned off (ostensibly for speed) in Blazer to access your blogging interface doesn't seem to work, as I am completely unable to read the blog entry entitled "Phoning it in" that you posted as a test. I hope that it wasn't too wordy.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 29, 2007 6:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fuzzy's Media Consumption.

The next post in this blog is Impress These Apes - Week 5 - Teaser.

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