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Kady Ditch

Kady Ditch

Kady Ditch

I spent a few fun hours with Allison and Michael on Saturday, taking photos for their new band, Katy Ditch Kady Ditch. We got all the usual band-in-the-alley and band-on-the-el-platform and band-in-a-bar shots, but we also lucked into some shots with a dragonfly that landed on my pant leg and then stuck around on Allison's finger.

We took a bunch of Holga pictures, too (Allison requested that I bring that $16 piece of Chinese crappy-but-wonderful plastic, which made my little bad-picture-loving heart swell), but those won't be developed for a few weeks.

Katy Ditch won a round of the Uncommon Ground open mic competition, so they'll be competing for a grand prize on Monday, July 19.


Hi. Holgas are German.

Respectfully, according to the Lomography site, they're from Hong Kong:


Hong Kong 1982 ... Reflecting the shining landscape around them, this new camera is named after the term "ho gwong," meaning "very bright." After throwing a European spin onto this phrase, the moniker "HOLGA" is minted.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 21, 2004 1:54 PM.

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