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Some Photo-sets

I'm catching up on posting some photos.


Early in September Erica and I took a roadtrip down to Vicksburg to clean out Memaw Bane's house (she's moved into a nursing home). We worked really hard on the house, but we were able to bookend the trip with great friends at both ends, which really helped.

Margaret and John

Mid-September, we attended the wedding of our good friends Margaret Hicks and John Eiberger. Erica and I got all dressed up. They both love Chicago (Margaret is a docent for the Chicago architectural tours), so they got married on one of the Wendella boats on the Chicago River and the reception occured while the boat was cruising around out on Lake Michigan.

Apes Dance

Impress These Apes has started its third season and I'm the official photographer (for whatever that's worth). So far I just have my photos from the first week up (oops -- bad official photographer).

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 2, 2008 12:24 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Scott Pilgrim, Vol. 1 and 2.

The next post in this blog is Rockstar.

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