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Three cats on a bed

Three cats on a bed
Photo by Erica Gerdes.

I promise this is not going to turn into an all-cats-on-beds-all-the-time blog. Wait a minute - I promise no such thing. You never know.

Anyway, if you know the awkward dynamic between these three (Latte hates everyone, Mustapha loves everyone, Parker is still feeling like the new kid and isn't sure what to think) you'll understand why "three cats on a bed!" brings an excited cheer in our house.


You must have the world's longest bed to have that kind of forced perspective with Latte and Parker.

They're like, swimming in a sea of red!! They are in a triangle, too, maybe an example of some of the math that they do while y'all are at work! And it was odd in a good kind of way to see the words "photo by Erica Gerdes"!! Yay!!!!

The cats do enjoy geometry.

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