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Where's Mustapha?

Where's Mustapha?

I assembled this little shelving unit*, put it in place, and Mustapha instantly shelved himself. If only all my things put themselves away like that.

And hey, Noah, that mug is on the bottom shelf because it is getting over to your house sometime.

* The problem with our great cedar-chest find was that we simply could not resist putting junk on top of it as soon as we walked in the door, which meant that the next morning we couldn't get hats or gloves out of it until we threw everything on the couch, which meant that the next night we had to clear off the couch to watch TV... by setting the stuff on top of the cedar chest.


EVERY FLAT SURFACE OF OUR HOUSE IS COVERED IN BOOKS, PAPERS, and MAGAZINES!!!!! I honestly do not know how people live without doing that!!!! And if a magazine isn't on it, a cat is!!! Or a cat is on the magazine that is on the table!!!
Oh, I am so glad Mustapha put himself away!!

EVERY FLAT SURFACE OF OUR HOUSE IS COVERED IN BOOKS, PAPERS, and MAGAZINES!!!!! I honestly do not know how people live without doing that!!!! And if a magazine isn't on it, a cat is!!! Or a cat is on the magazine that is on the table!!!
Oh, I am so glad Mustapha put himself away!!

fuzzy. i challenge you to give me one of these week.......no....i BEG YOU TO.


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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2006 12:09 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Book 17: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

The next post in this blog is Fuzzy as a Simpson.

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