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(Most of a) Marathon

As some of you may have heard, the Chicago Marathon was canceled around noon today due to the heat. I was around mile 16, headed east on Jackson when they told us to skip the Southside portion of the course and just head straight to Grant Park. I did so and crossed the finish line, but that time is for about 18 miles, not 26 -- I was on track to finish in about 6 hours. They gave everyone a medal, so I'll have to make an asterix for mine.

Until then, running in the Marathon was as crazy and fun as I expected it to be. Matt Larsen and I started the run together, but as soon as we'd seen our incredible support crew -- Erica, Brandi, and Matt's dad and stepmom -- he headed off (Matt finished for reals). There were all sorts of folks running and so many people being so supportive. And my IT Bands stopped hurting around 8 pm tonight, so I'm ready to do another (entire) Marathon as soon as I can.

After the jump, a map of the course I took.

Fuzzy's Marathon route


I should just go ahead and sign up for a 5k or something. I can hope they cancel it before I fall down of exhaustion.

Congratulations for all your hard work and for getting to participate Fuzzy! What a huge accomplishment.

Well that explains why the tracking website didn't have a bunch of the checkpoints for you. Congratulations though. Man, what an accomplishment.

(On an unrelated note, I want to ask you some questions about your experiences/setup with your cycling GPS, but first I'm going to dig through your blog archive before bugging you).

Many congrats, Fuzzy! Glad your IT Bands are ok for now (and I thought for a sec you might have had several clusters of computer geeks creating music along the route for you - your IT Bands)

Congratulations, Fuzzy! I'm inspired. So when is your next one?

way to go!!!! i'm glad you didn't overheat.

Good job, brother! If you're really hankering to run again, the Buenos Aires Marathon is the 4th of November: http://www.maratondebuenosaires.com/

It's really flat and shouldn't be too hot =).

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