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Race to Wrigley

Race to Wrigley 5K 2012

Erica's friend Melissa is in town for Erica's birthday weekend and this morning she joined us for her first timed 5K ever—the Race to Wrigley. It was a great morning for a run: 55°, slightly overcast, a nice route along major roads in the Lakeview neighborhood. Melissa says she had a good time—I'm glad Chicago came through for her.

Before the race, we were able to find our brick. Several years ago, Shaun bought us a commemorative brick as part of a Wrigley Field renovation (it's a common thing, I guess)—we got one and then one was placed in the sidewalk around the field. A few years ago they added the Captain Morgan Club outside bar on the southeast corner of the field and moved all the bricks out of that area. I wasn't sure where ours had ended up, but this morning we found it in the Jack Brickhouse section right in front of Gate F at the front of the stadium.

Shaun, Fuzzy, and their Brick

I managed another sub-30 minute 5K, so that's cool. And since Shaun and I are training for the Soldier Field 10 next month, when we finished the race we skipped the banana-and-bagel area and headed right out to run the four miles home, to make it a 7-mile training day. It feels pretty hardcore to trot out of the finish lane and just keep running. We had run almost four miles Friday morning, which I was a little worried about, since running two days back-to-back last weekend goofed up my ankle a bit. But today I feel fine—generally sore, but in the normal, good post-long-run way, not any particular pains. Thanks for asking :-)

My official results:

Time: 29:08
Pace: 9:24
Overall place: 1652 / 1736
Place in sex: 1102 / 469
Place in division (M, 40-44): 89 / 156

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