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Ravenswood Run 5K 2012 (PR)

Ravenswood Run 5K 2012

Our friends the Martins are in town for the Chicago Improv Festival and we all decided at the last minute to run the Ravenswood Run. That meant, again, moving my weekend's long run to Friday morning and Matt came along with Shaun and I on what he thought was going to be a quick 3-mile run but turned out to be our 8. He's a good sport so he came along for the whole thing.

Ravenswood Run 5K 2012

I've already got a couple Ravenswood Run shirts, and so I almost decided to run it bandit. I'm glad I didn't for two reasons. First, because when we were all lined for the start, an organizer was going on about how much money all the registrations had raised for a food bank and two health centers at high schools. So, you know, altruism. But then also, keeping up with Matt set a bit faster of a pace than I've usually been doing and I ended up finishing with a new Personal Record for the 5K -- 25:59. It's nice to have that documented by the timing chip. Thanks Matt!

My official results:

Time: 25:59
Pace: 8:22
Overall place: 728 / 2751
Place in sex: 526 / 1250
Place in division (M, 40-44): 61 / 166


Thanks for coming out and joining us on Sunday. We are glad you didn't run it bandit too :) The race does raise money for a great local cause and we are so happy to be a part of it! Great post, a wonderful day for a race/8mile run, and a PR to boot! Congrats. ^LM

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