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Run didi run run

I've been letting my Nike+ shoes auto-spam my Twitter and Facebook accounts with these updates:

ran 3.16 mi on 3/6/2010 at 8:39 AM with a pace of 10'09"/mi http://go.nike.com/1edfam

but hadn't been posting them here. Why should I spare my own blog my running chatter?

I'm signed up for the 2010 Chicago Triathlon and I'm feeling good about where I am in my training already. I've been swimming once a week and I bought an indoor bike trainer stand and I've been on the bike a few times this winter. But I think I'm most impressed with the fact that I've been running outside most of the winter. I only started running a few years ago and when I did it was in April and I was proud of myself that I was getting outside in 45° weather. Now I've been running in below-freezing weather! Yay me!

Running is definitely my weakest leg* of the triathlon and I made the terrible mistake last year of never actually running the distance before the race. So I've signed up for a few races this spring to make sure I get up to speed (well, up to distance). I'm doing the Shamrock Shuffle (March 21, 8K) and the Soldier Field 10 (May 29, 10 miles). Any other races with cool t-shirts I should sign up for?

* Pun somewhat intended.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 6, 2010 9:43 AM.

The previous post in this blog was My Dinner With Andre.

The next post in this blog is Far Arden.

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