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Run for Science 5K 2012

Fuzzy and Erica at the Run for Science 5K

Erica and I did two 5Ks this weekend. The first was the Run for Science, a run for, and at, the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum. It turned out to be a lot of fun, both the run and heading into the Museum afterwards for the Bugapalooza and Backyard Monsters exhibits.

We talk about the race on our new, but still unnamed, podcast.

(Official times were posted at the Museum after the race, but don’t seem to be posted online.)

Official times:

Time: 40:02
Pace: 12:53
Place: 297 / 371
Place in Age (M 18-99): 109 / 119
Place in Sex: 122 / 149

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 21, 2012 10:21 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Get Your Rear in Gear 5K 2012.

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