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Shamrock Shuffle 2012

Ran the Shamrock Shuffle this morning with Shaun. It's the first big race of the Chicago running season—40 thousand people signed up and 34 thousand of them showed up. It does a nice 8K loop around the Loop.

I've actually been training a little this spring - I got up to 4.5 miles this week, so the 5 miles of the race was not too bad. It's always amazing how preparing for an event like this makes running the distance non-terrible. My spring goal is to run the Soldier Field 10 and have it be non-terrible—the only previous time I ran the SF10 I limped across the finish line. This year I'd like to finish running.

My official results:

Time: 47:12
Pace: 9:30
Overall place: 14306 / 34301
Place in sex: 8715 / 14659
Place in division (M, 40-44): 988 / 1724

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