Yesterday, I mentioned to Kenner that I was having trouble with my Iliotibial Band after Sunday's run and he said that he'd had some success with a foam roller and that I should pick one up at Fleet Feet. I was fretting on the way home that I didn't have time to stop by the store and pick one up, but what was waiting for me but a foam roller (with handy diagram)! Barely moments back from her honeymoon, Andrea Strening (neé Swanson) had read my post about my problem and dropped by with the solution. What wonderful friends I have.
Lots of ice and ibuprofen, and I 'rolled' last night and this morning and felt 200% better today. I'm thinking of going out for at least a shuffle around the block tomorrow, but I'm also pretty sure that's a terrible idea.
Please have a doctor look at it too, buddy!
Posted by: Dan Telfer
August 22, 2007 1:02 AM
This is probably a biased opinion since I'm gradutating from massage therapy school this week, but if you have the time or money, visit a really good MT who knows how to do a ITB protocal. Sounds to me like your ITB is either fastened itself to your lateral thigh muscle, or you have trigger points in what could be a number of structures surrounding the ITB or in the ITB itself. Ouch!
The MT can get rid of the trigger points, pull the ITB off your thigh and stretch the muscles that are contributing to your pain.
Warning: this is not a pleasant procedure. Kind of hurts, but so worth it in the end. Also, you may have to go back for repeated visits for the best overall results.
I know you can get a decent massage at the Cortiva school for pretty cheap. Just be sure to request one of the teachers, not a student (you never know what you'll get).
Just my two cents.
Good luck!
Posted by: allison bazarko | August 22, 2007 10:19 AM
I have been having problems with my IT band since my car accident last fall (ooh, almost a year ago). I have had some success 'rolling' on a 2-liter bottle of soda (unopened, soda still inside). Less than helpful advice now, but in case something goes wrong with your foam roller, and it was even endorsed by my physical therapist!
Posted by: Becca | August 22, 2007 10:04 PM
Also--stretch the crap outta your IT band. Lay on the floor on your back with one leg perpendicular to the ceiling and then take the opposite hand to that leg and pull it down so it's parallel to the floor and hold it. Does that make sense? If the problem comes back, you could look for a physical therapist who does ASTYM treatment. It's weird, but instant relief. Sorry to dork out like this on your blog, but I've had every leg problem under the sun and then some.
Congrats on your awesome running! You rock!
Posted by: Rine-Stone | August 23, 2007 10:17 PM