A couple weeks ago I decided that I should finish up the third series of Doctor Who because Torchwood season 2 has started and the whole "What Captain Jack did between the seasons" story is told in the last few episodes of Doctor Who. So I started charging through the episodes and I came to a realization -- Doctor Who is totally skating on my childhood nostalgia. As a child, I loved Doctor Who because of the sense of grand adventure. The writers of the current series seem much more focused on exploring the Doctor's "humanity" (as such) where "humanity" seems to mean to them a certain soppy sentimentality. And crying. There should not be so much crying in Doctor Who!
And then, of course, the last few episodes of the season, "42". "Blink", and the three stories of the final arc, were all pretty darn good. Darn you, Doctor Who. Now I'm going to have to actually watch the next season.
FuzzyCo: grade B
* Oh, how my inner fan rankles at that designation. Because, of course, it's Season 29. Gah.
"Blink" may be my favorite Doctor Who episode ever. The creep out factor on that one was very very high. My kids still get freaked when I point out statues of angels to them.
Posted by: ironic1
February 4, 2008 9:08 PM
I'm going to agree that Blink was utterly amazing -- especially given that it was such a Doctor-light episode. Love and Monsters, the last season's Doctor-light episode, may be forever tossed around as the worst episode ever...
Captain Jack's reappearance was wonderful, of course. Now I just need to stay on top of Torchwood.
Don't forget to watch the Xmas episode.
Posted by: Disco | February 4, 2008 11:25 PM