Once again, Parker has made the Purina Pet Charts -- currently she's the #2 cat and #3 overall (darn those cute dogs). Though, I guess it might be hard to tell what her species is, since she's wearing a Snuggie(tm) for Dogs. Keeps your paws free!
« 366 Cartoons - 272 - Fantasy Football Team | Main | 366 Cartoons - 273 to 278 »
Once again, Parker has made the Purina Pet Charts -- currently she's the #2 cat and #3 overall (darn those cute dogs). Though, I guess it might be hard to tell what her species is, since she's wearing a Snuggie(tm) for Dogs. Keeps your paws free!
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 3, 2009 12:05 PM.
The previous post in this blog was 366 Cartoons - 272 - Fantasy Football Team.
The next post in this blog is 366 Cartoons - 273 to 278.
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