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Some Classic Movies, Some Free

Yesterday, Coudal Partners took suggestions of classic movies to help educate one of their number who doesn't like "old" movies. One of the nice things about old movies is that sometimes they've fallen out of copyright and are available for free. You like free, don't you? These movies from the list they assembled are all available for viewing and/or downloading at the Internet Archive:

Here's the rest of the list they came up with:

Original suggestions from Andrew, Bean, Becky, Chris, Donald, Evan, Everett, Guy, Jen, Jonathan, Lorraine, Loyd, Luke, Michelle, Mike, Mr.Walters, Nancy, Pam, and Sam.

* I had linked to this, but as Mr. Smith points out, Nancy is surely referring to the 1963 Cary Grant movie.


I was hoping Charade was this one, but sadly, no:


Oh, I suppose that makes a lot more sense that that would be the Charade that Nancy was referring to.

How is "Pappion" not on that list!

I'm told I spelled that wrong.


And While I'm on the topics.

Towering inferno.
The Great Escape.

The Poseiden adventure.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 31, 2008 12:33 PM.

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