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Three things

Jason done tagged me while I was on the road, so now I have to tell you these things:

  1. 3 Things that scare me: how short our lives are, how big the universe is, getting poked in the eye
  2. 3 People who make me laugh: Erica, John Hodgman, Jared Logan
  3. 3 Things I love: Erica, video games, reading
  4. 3 Things I hate: my stuffed-up nose, meanies, spam
  5. 3 Things I don't understand: knitting, French, remaining willfully ignorant
  6. 3 Things on my desk: L.A. Guns MegaMetal trading card, stack of to-do notes, Mastering Regular Expressions
  7. 3 Things I’m doing right now: clearing out my voice mail, blogging, having some sort of allergy attack in my left eye
  8. 3 Things I want to do before I die: learn to play a musical instrument reasonably well, get paid to be in a movie, visit all continents
  9. 3 Things I can do: juggle both balls and clubs, improvise, cook a whole meal with one pan
  10. 3 Things I can't do: play the aforementioned (any) musical instrument, get my ass in gear, open my eyes underwater
  11. 3 Things I think you should listen to: Ze Frank, the Penny Arcade podcast (a great look at a collaborative creative process), Kaki King
  12. 3 Things you should never listen to: haters, lamers, douches
  13. 3 Things I'd like to learn: better Spanish, to play the twice aforementioned musical instrument, to ride a horse
  14. 3 Favorite foods: fried chicken, popcorn, noodles
  15. 3 Beverages I drink regularly: Coca-Cola, coffee, booze
  16. 3 Shows I watched as a kid: Spiderman, Electric Company, The Muppet Show
  17. 3 People I’m tagging: I'm going for an all Reid set here: Erica, Christopher, Tricia


I feel it is my duty as a yarn professional to offer to teach you the whys and whatfors of knitting should you ever wish to know. I can even sort of explain it to you in French. Tricoter!

I can teach you Trumpet if you like.
Matt Martin Can teach you horse riding, he taught me.

I love "Mastering Regular Expressions". One of my fave tech books. It's really a spell book in disguise.

Save youself the effort and in the three favorite food category, just type, "starch".

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2006 10:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Mac Software for Child's Play.

The next post in this blog is Drinking our way across the South - the Sazerac.

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