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It's just two grown men playing Wii Boxing, at our company holiday party, and looking as ridiculous as one does. (Sorry, Jason and Kyle -- I'm not making fun, I'm just making. fun.)

Nearly everyone who stopped by asked if we'd seen that site with the pictures of TVs broken by accidentally thrown Wiimotes. And I can attest that within the first 2 minutes I had one in my hand I knocked the coffee out of someone's hands who was standing too close. But despite the danger, I want one of these things as soon as I have a spare $250.


You know, most days I'm perfectly content working at Ye Olde Yarn Shoppe, but it's not being there personally to point and laugh at Kyle that make me miss working at the Bunny Factory.

Hee hee.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 14, 2006 11:51 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Hey, Rine-Stone.

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