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The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Erica: "Did you just buy a shiv off that guy and then kill him with it to get the money back so you could buy a pack of smokes?"

Me: "Yeah, I guess so."

Erica, making a frowny face: "I do not like this game."

I've never seen the movie, so I can't make any comparisons there, but I'll give Chronicles of Riddick* one thing -- the game was really good at tricking me into thinking it was just about over and then throwing you into a new problem. Usually I'm pretty good at spotting the fake ending, but I kept thinking "oooh, I'm about to escape" and then bam, they catch me and throw me into the mines or whatever.

But if you really want to see Vin Diesel in a video game, you want a copy of Wheelman, as soon as it comes out. Right, Shaun?

FuzzyCo grade: A-

* "Colon Escape from Butcher Bay". It's pretty obvious that everyone involved in the movie and game was hoping this would be part of an endless Chronicles of Riddick franchise. Oh, which might actually be happening. Go figure.

P.S. For those keeping count, I'm now 5 non-compatible Xbox games away from setting up my 360.


Don't try to recover your original X-Box gamertag. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ENTERING THE WORLD OF 360 WITHOUT SORROW.

Don't bother watching the movie because it's really, really bad. Or at the very least don't pay to watch it.

what are the other 5 games?

The 5 games I have left are:
* Peter Jackson's King Kong (this should be easy -- I understand that the game is, like, 3 hours long).
* Syberia
* Otogi: Myth of Demons
* The Suffering & The Suffering: Ties That Bind (The first game is compatible, but the second isn't, and I *have* to play the first one before the second one. Duh.)

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