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Blacksite: Area 51

I had some complaints about Blacksite: Area 51, but I'm still riding on my "whee! lookee me playing a 360" high, so I was happy to just finish the game and earn some Achievements. Also, as you may remember, you can't trust anything I say about a Midway game because I occasionally do some work for them. Also, any quibbles I might have about the game pale in comparison to what the designer tossed out right as the game was hitting the shelves. Classy.

FuzzyCo grade: [redacted due to conflict of interest]

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 6, 2009 11:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 366 Cartoons - 062 - Hamster and Parakeet.

The next post in this blog is 366 Cartoons - 063 - Teddy Bear and Giraffe.

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