Bucky the Wonder Horse

[Buckkyyyy!] Episode summary for Bucky the Wonderhorse: Sponsored by Chow-Time Horsie biscuits, the only horsie biscuits to come in three terrific flavors!

Episode 1: After watching a stealth bomber explode, Bucky and Matthew travel into an abandoned steel town, where it is revealed that Bucky voted for Ross Perot. A pair of sinister eyes are watching Bucky and Matthew, who are unaware of this, and discuss neuro-surgery instead.

Episode 2: Bucky and Matthew decide to save a young girl from a burning building, but never get around to it. They discover that there are footsteps behind them, and, after discussing how Napoleon's defeat was caused by the failure to distinguish between true north and magnetic north, discover that they are being watched by former CIA director William Casey, who is supposed to be dead.

Episode 3: Former CIA director William Casey discloses that he was never really dead, just very, very tired, and tells Bucky and Matthew that he needs a boy and his horse to serve their country, and that they will be going somewhere in the Middle East. He then gives them two airline tickets and a sealed packet which details their mission.

Episode 4: Bucky and Matthew board Pan Pm flight 2077, which, they discover, gives first class seating to Marsupials. After the captain is decapitated by a congressman, Bucky leaps to the controls and manages to land the plane safely at a conveniently located airport.

Episode 5: Bucky and Matthew discover that they have landed in Libya, immediately following which a couple of locals board the plane and hijack it to Libya. Bucky ard Matthew, however, escape using their good old American know how to look like terrorists. They are quizzed by another terrorist who is fooled by Bucky's powers of persuasion, and they manage to escape into the desert.

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