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September 2008 Archives

September 6, 2008

The Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever Heard

The Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever HeardThe show features five performers playing real poker, drinking real beer, and telling real stories. Real sick stories, to boot.

Special guests for this show will be members of Schadenfreude.

Playground Theater, 3209 N Halsted, Chicago

LOL Theater

Laugh Out Loud TheaterLaugh Out Loud Theater (formerly the Chicago Comedy Co Theater) at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are short-form improv. The early show is family-friendly ("G - PG" as they say), the later show can be just a little more racy (PG-16, if there was such a thing).

September 27, 2008

LOL Theater

Laugh Out Loud TheaterLaugh Out Loud Theater (formerly the Chicago Comedy Co Theater) at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are short-form improv. The early show is family-friendly ("G - PG" as they say), the later show can be just a little more racy (PG-16, if there was such a thing).

September 17, 2008

The Neutrino Project

The Neutrino ProjectThe Neutrino Project is a film/theater hybrid, where the cast creates an improvised movie while the audience is watching it. The ComedySportz Theater, 929 W Belmont, Chicago. Tickets $10, 773-549-8080, or Ticketmaster

September 24, 2008

The Neutrino Project

The Neutrino ProjectThe Neutrino Project is a film/theater hybrid, where the cast creates an improvised movie while the audience is watching it. The ComedySportz Theater, 929 W Belmont, Chicago. Tickets $10, 773-549-8080, or Ticketmaster

About September 2008

Fuzzy Gerdes

This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from September 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2008 is the previous archive.

October 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.