Sketchfest - rehearsals

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Living in the same house as your performance partner can be a double-edged sword. On the one edge, we're very familiar with each other's rhythms and thought-processes, which makes us really comfortable with each other on stage. On the other edge, it can be really difficult to stay focussed for meetings and rehearsals, because we're in our house, which doesn't feel as special as a rehearsal in a separate space (and it's where all our toys are).

Last night we actually had a great meeting/rehearsal (though Shaun did have to yell at me a few times not to go check my phone's text messages). We made a big list of all the props and costume pieces we still need to get (and it's a big list) and made some progress on the sound cues for the show. And then we did a complete read-through of the show (doing funny voices for the parts of the other people in the show) both to start getting familiar with the script and to get a sense of the timing of the show. It looks like we're right on with the time -- about half an hour for the whole show (which is good since that's how much time we get).

Then tonight we were supposed to rehearse, but our friend Karl was in town so Erica and I took him out to dinner at Moody's and drank a pitcher of sangria, and when we finally got back to the apartment, Shaun and Jin were there watching 007 Days of Xmas and we all got sucked in and before I knew it it was 10:30.

But then Shaun said "Hey, let's do a quick read-through" and we went into the kitchen and read through the script. And Jin came in near the end, which is where his big scene is, so he got to read it with Shaun and I got to do a little "this is how I visualize the blocking of this scene, you move over here and when you get to the end of this line, just shuffle over to him here". And I was a little surprised -- yesterday when we read through the script I could tell it was reasonably funny, but it didn't seem hilarious. Tonight we started recovering our natural rhythms, instead of just reading the words off the page as though they had been written by strangers. And, gosh darnit, if it doesn't seem pretty funny to me now.

And Erica did find some great plastic samurai swords at Uncle Fun for a buck a piece. Score!