Before I die

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A couple of days ago, Erica and I were driving down Granville to get some coffee at Metropolis and we saw two people with paint rollers painting over Mental's mural. Oh well, we thought, that's a shame, but it's been up for over a year, which in streetart terms is pretty much an eternity. I assumed the next time we saw that wall we'd see just a blank brown wall.

Instead, yesterday we saw this:

Before I die - Overview

Erica commented that it reminded her of a documentary we'd seen where an artist in New Orleans had put up stickers on abandoned buildings where people could fill in the sentence "I wish this was…". And in fact, when I took a closer look at the descriptive text next to the piece, it was the same artist: Candy Chang.

By the time I was there on Thursday, the chalk was already missing from all little holders, I couldn't add my contribution, but it was pretty full anyway:

Before I die

Before I die

Before I die

Before I die

Before I die

Before I die

Before I die

Before I die - Artist's Statement