"Can I speak on what I believe, sir?"

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Alan Keyes was heckled (1.8 M mp3) as he went to vote in Calumet City. (via girl in black, audio from the Roe Conn Show)

Obama wins, 70-27. It's like a Christmas present you know you're going to get, but it's still nice to actually sit down and unwrap it.

Also, in the NW suburbs, Melissa Bean beat Phil "Now, what's this?" Crane (51-48).

Out in Cicero, incumbent Rep. Frank Aguilar (R) put a woman into the race (her only support was from his PAC) and she won, 53.2 to 46.8. W, you may ask, TF?

Little bits of good news from other parts of the country. In Pennsylvania, race-baiting eye doctor Melissa Brown was defeated by Democrat Allyson Schwartz.

One big frustration here in Chicago: despite the unendorsement of every bar association, the Chicago Tribune, citizens' groups, and me, Susan McDunn was retained as a judge with 68% YESes. It's a small consolation that she received the most NOes and least YESes of any judge. It was very frustrating last night to be at an election night gathering and overhear an otherwise-politically-aware friend say, "I got confused by all the judges, so I just voted Yes on all of them." Damn, I say, it.