John C.F. Ricklefs

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John C.F. Ricklefs

This plaque is set into the sidewalk in front of Swift Elementary School. Sadly, there is no tree in front of the plaque (there's a tree behind it, but I'm sure it's not 83 years old). In 1921 there wasn't yet a national Armistice Day (that came in 1926) so the children of Swift School were pretty on the ball.

Today is, of course, Veteran's Day in the States. In Commonwealth countries it's "Remembrance Day".

Today I am remembering my father (eek - that makes it sound like he's dead. He's not.) and thinking of "exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations"1.

Update: Joey posted In Flanders Fields on his site today.
Update 2: Teresa Nielsen-Hayden's extensive Great War post from last year (she's not doing one this year).

1 Congressional resolution, 1926