originally posted on Metroblogging Chicago
I was parking my roommate's pick-up truck tonight and the only spots free were meter spots. But is tomorrow (MLK Day) a meter holiday? Hey, I remember all those bus-side ads for 311 -- the city-wide phone information service -- I can sit here in the warm truck and find out.
Hello, City of Chicago information, how may I help you?
Hi, are parking meters enforced tomorrow?
Huh. I don't know. Let me put you on hold for a second.
(Silence... have I been disconnected?)
Sir? I'm going to transfer you.
(Ring. Ring. Ring.)
City of Chicago parking enforcement. How may I help you?
Hi, are parking meters enforced tomorrow?
Huh. I don't know. Gerald, is tomorrow a parking holiday? [distant mumble] OK. Listen to the news tomorrow, they'll tell you. (Click)
Ah! Listen to the news tomorrow! Because the news knows Chicago better than Chicago does.
(P.S. Tomorrow, it appears, is not a parking meter holiday.)