"Closing on a House Sale"
What a busy night. Shaun and I did Bare at the Playground at 8 (and I sat in with Chicago Comedy Company at that same show, so I couldn't duck out early to get to WNEP). And then after Eventé I had to rush off to take pictures at Rive Gauche, so I didn't get to go rollerskating with Zach, et al.
The show was great. We had a good-sized house (which makes both the producer and player sides of my brain happy). We got off-track of the form a little, but everyone was having so much fun that I think we did a really entertaining show.
Oh, and we finally got our postcards. Let me rave a little about how great the folks at Rocket Postcards are. They've been super helpful and friendly through this whole shipping crisis. And the quality of the postcards is excellent. And let me shake my fist at UPS a little here, too. My original batch of postcards made it to the downtown Chicago UPS facility, then disappeared and showed up 5 days later in Salt Lake City. How does that happen? Feh.