A good meal: La Fonda

originally posted on Metroblogging Chicago

I'm going to play a little catch-up here on some good meals I've had lately, working my way back in time:

Last night we finally got to La Fonda when they were still open. La Fonda is about halfway between my house and Erica's, so we pass it all the time, but often late at night and we gaze longingly at the menu in the window. We've even made it in the door only to be turned away because the kitchen had just closed. But last night, we made it inside. Score.

La Fonda is sort of pan-Latino, with an emphasis on plantains. But damn, those plantains were good. We had the Milanesa de cerdo, which was a breaded and fried porkloin served with plantains and a chicken tostada which replaced the usual corn tortilla with a deep fried green plantain. Crunchy, crispy, tender meat and just-sweet-enough plantains.

Erica says, "The plantains and pork were great. Much more flavorful than I expected. And not too pricey."