Shout-outs to FemmeTV

I've been sitting in as "Comic #2" in Lavender Cabaret's Femme TV burlesque show for the past few months. I thought I was scheduled through the end of the month, but I guess I had missed a cast email, because the current run of the show is closing next week. Next week I'll be "Ukulele guy" (working title) in Don't Spit the Water, so I'll be missing the closing night.

As Comic #2, I really don't do that much in the show (shh... don't tell Franky) so I've had plenty of time to sit backstage and hang out with all the other performers, so I just wanted to give some shout-outs to all the cool cats: Tomas, Doug, Andrew and Erica, KC, Sean, Jared, Franky, Michelle, and all the dancers. Y'all rock.