Neutrino SLC

Greg taking a photo of the Temple

But we weren't just in Utah to go running (nor just to eat) -- Greg and I, and Jose from Phoenix, were there to teach two groups of Utah improvisors how to do the Neutrino Project and then help them perform a show each. We also did a performance of The Sickest F***in' Stories I Ever Heard.

I was really impressed with the two casts. We had blocked out 8 hours of rehearsal for each cast (and they had previously rehearsed with Joe and Jesse from Jokyr and Jesster, working on general concepts like working in pairs, in the real world, and thinking about where the camera was) but we were able to let both casts go early. And both shows were really good. Friday night we had one SLC shooter, Logan Rogan, who's a film student and really took to the format, pulling out some great shots under the time constraint. Saturday night the whole show was really tight. I'm digitizing both shows and I'll share them as soon as I get them tidied up.

I was a little worried about Sickest Stories -- part of what makes the show a show instead of just people reciting their stories to the audience is the sense of intimacy that comes from the veneer that these are friends playing poker in someone's house. The 'theater' space at the University was awesome for the Neutrino Project, but I thought it might be a bit sterile for SFSIEH. As well, we couldn't drink (other than pop) or smoke. The show, I'm happy to report, turned out fine. Jesse asked the small audience to move to the first few rows, the lights came down, and we really talked like friends. I don't think anyone got out a real lengthly story, but we bickered and shared much like we really liked each other :-)

Friday we had the whole day off and Greg and I walked down from the Guest House, where we were staying, to downtown, taking pictures along the way. I think it's the first time I've been out for a walk with another photographer. Usually I feel bad for my walking companions, because I'm always stopping to take a picture of some dumb little thing. Greg, not so much, because he was taking pictures of the same dumb things.

Thanks to the Slapstick Association for bringing us out, Joe for organizing everything, Jose for driving all the way from Phoenix by himself (and bringing the Phoenix MagicBox(tm), Heather for feeding us a home-cooked meal, and all the actors and runners for giving their all to the shows.