For the past few years, FuzzyFest has involved some sort of public performance aspect. This year, not so much. Erica is taking me on some fun adventures tomorrow and then we're having a little thingy thing on Saturday. The details of such? You know, I get this a lot these days:
Friend: Fuzzy, you didn't come to my birthday party/baby shower/grave-robbing!
Fuzzy: So sorry, but, um, I don't think I was invited.
Friend: Of course you were! I put it on Facebook!
Fuzzy: Ah. I don't check Facebook because I am an old man who drives a horse and carriage and lives in a rock.
So my thing on Saturday? The opposite. I did not put it on Facebook. Electronic mails were sent. If you perhaps think that you should have been invited, maybe you didn't read your email because you were on Facebook, or perhaps I don't have your email. Fix that, please.