Movember greetings from Pigeon Forge, Tennessee! My brother, the one who's actually doing Movember, used to live in Knoxville and my visit here has nothing to do with him, but there you go.
This is also, I just noticed, my 3000th post here on this blog. Now, there are a lot of throwaway posts in that number and a time where I was having Delicious post links I had bookmarked and so on and so forth. But on the other hand, before I installed MovableType, I used to keep a sort of proto-blog on the home page of FuzzyCo where I'd manually keep four or five "news items" and when I'd add a new one at the top, I'd just delete the last one. So there are bunch of what would be blog posts that just disappeared into the ether. So, anyway, milestone. Hooray me. I'm not saying that you should go start with March 1997 and work your way forward to the present day, but hey, it's only 3000 entries.